Speak Up for Your Community!

A message from the Broadway Residents Working Group:

Committee of Adjustment Meeting – July 6, 2010

Dear Residents

The proposed re-development of the Brennan Pontiac dealership site promises significant massing and profound traffic, parking, pedestrian and road safety issues for residents.

The developer is intent on building retail facilities three times as large as the Metro store three blocks south.

A retail outlet in excess of 75,000 sq ft plus loading areas and 2 levels of underground parking would bring dramatic changes in car and truck volumes for Bayview, Broadway and surrounding streets.

The proposal looks to exploit the site to the exclusion of any consideration of aesthetics or impact to the neighbourhood:

  • There are minor setbacks from property lines (88% lot coverage) with minimal distance from roadways and little consideration of sidewalk traffic; building would be the height of a four or five storey residential or office building with proposed gross floor area of 137% excluding enclosed loading/circulation area;
  • Parking would be insufficient for the proposed use;
  • Tractor trailer and other large trucks are proposed to exit on residential streets with corresponding danger to neighbourhood cars and school children; accompanying noise and blocked traffic would ensue;

The proposal does not meet tests for the variances sought:

  • Does not conform to the intent and purpose of Toronto’s Official Plan;
  • Does not maintain the intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law;
  • Variances requested are not minor;
  • Is not an appropriate development of these lands.

The proposal would result in significant massing and traffic issues. The property is in a significant location in the neighbourhood and requires a more considered solution and broader public consultation.

The proposal was first heard at the North York Committee of Adjustment on February 17, 2010. The application was deferred SINE DIE (for an indefinite period) for submission and review of Site Plan information. To date, there are MINOR CHANGES to the developer’s application that was submitted in February.

A second Committee of Adjustment meeting has now been scheduled for 1.30 pm on July 6, 2010. At the meeting in February, along with our local Councillors, a strong contingent of community residents and local land/business owners took the time to attend the meeting or express concerns in writing. Your response was significant and your opposition to the variances requested was duly recognized by the Committee.

We are asking for you to send another strong and clear signal to the Committee that we continue to be seriously concerned about the proposed development.


  • Attending the Committee of Adjustment hearing on July 6th at 1.30 pm at
    Council Chamber, North York Civic Centre, 5100 Yonge Street; and
  • Writing a letter indicating you oppose this proposal to:
    North York Committee of Adjustment
    North York Civic Centre
    5100 Yonge Street
    North York, Ontario
    M2N 5V7
    Fax 416-395-7200
  • You can also email your letter to Carmela Morresi at cmorres@toronto.ca, and request that your letter be forwarded to Committee of Adjustment.

Remember to check out our website for further details and updates: or contact us by email at: broadwayrwg@hotmail.com

Your neighbourhood. Your community. Speak up for it.