Northlea Community’s 19th Blood Donor Clinic! – April 11, 2012

A letter from Northlea Elementary School

Dear Leaside Community:

Be part of Northlea Community’s 19th Blood Donor Clinic!

In November of 2002, two Leaside area students were diagnosed with leukemia in the same week. They required blood transfusions to save their lives and help them fight the disease. The Leaside community began running blood donor clinics twice a year to support them in their battle. In the 9 years that followed, Leaside has continued to support Emmy, Noah, Cathy, Paul, Diane and other families during times of need, by donating over 2185 units of blood, saving over 6555 lives.

Your help is still needed!

Emmy’s leukemia is back for the 4th time. Cathy’s has returned as well. Both women are receiving treatment, in which blood and blood products play a huge part. They and their families would appreciate you showing your continued support by donating at the 19th Northlea Community Blood Donor Clinic.

Where: Northlea School (North Gym) 305 Rumsey Road
When: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 from 2:00-8:00 p.m.

Please show Emmy, Cathy and all those who need blood that you care.

R.S.V.P. by calling the Canadian Blood Services appointment number at 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283) NOW! Criteria for donating, as well as online booking can be found at Refreshments are available. Students over 17 years of age must have ID and can receive volunteer hours for showing up to donate as well.


Ms. Kathy Ribeiro
(On behalf of the Blood Donor Clinic Committee)