TREB’s Past President’s $5,000 Scholarship

December 29, 2010 — TREB’s fifth annual Past President’s Scholarship applications have been sent to public and separate high school principals/guidance staff throughout the GTA. Two $5,000.00 scholarships are awarded on behalf of REALTORS® to two graduating high school seniors going on to pursue post-secondary education.
Based on academics, community involvement and a 500-word essay, the awards are presented to the two winners in June at TREB’s annual Civic Connections reception.

This year’s essay topic choices are:

  1. How do you envision the ideal GTA community? (residentially and/or commercially).
  2. Like the “Doctors Without Borders” concept, what initiatives could be undertaken by real estate professionals?

The deadline for applications is April 15, 2011.

Go to the 2011 scholarship application and essay criteria [PDF*]

The application can also be obtained by clicking on the “2011 Past President’s Scholarship” banner link on the home page of